Let’s compare your body to your family home. On one end you have a kitchen, and there are two trash cans in your garage which you drag out front each week for the garbage truck to lift. For years this system was working just fine. Each garbage bin could hold four bags of garbage and your family only produced five bags a week on average.
But as the kids got older and you slowed down, you got lazy and stopped cooking so much. The kids decided they didn’t like fruit and vegetables much anymore either, and you couldn’t really be bothered arguing with them or convincing them to eat healthily so you just put ready meals in the oven. Plus, you were making more money anyway. So, you started ordering takeaway more often. A couple times a week you’d have to load those pizza boxed or Chinese takeaway cartons into the bins – and they took up a lot more room in the trash – at least one extra bag a week. Besides, when you went shopping you spent much less time in the produce aisle or at the butchers for fresh meat and fish. You grabbed far more packaged, processed food off the shelves. Those took up at least another couple extra bags of garbage a week as well. As these habits gradually escalated, you didn’t notice anything at first. The kids always took out the trash anyway and didn’t let on that anything was amiss, but after a while a funny smell started to come out from the garage. Then, after a few months not even the kids wanted to go in there to take the garbage out front because the place was infested by rats!
Now let’s look at the body and see what’s happening with all people who are sick. When you were young your body functioned more efficiently, your dad cooked you home meals, your mom made sure you ate a piece of fruit every day. You took regular exercise in PE at school. The garbage truck was coming once a week to take away two trash cans full of garbage, but you were only filling one of them. Then you got older and lazier. You started eating more processed food. Now you were producing 6 bags of garbage a week, but that was still well within what your body could cope with, so you barely noticed any difference. Then, you were drinking on weeknights instead of just at weekends and now you were producing 7 bags of garbage a week and got a belly. And when you drank at home you smoked inside the house and now you were producing 8 bags of garbage a week. You went to the doctor to have a look and find out why you were tired all the time and had brain fog, skin rashes, bloating and aches, but he wasn’t trained to understand the concept of autointoxication, so he just told you that you were getting older and gave you some pills to alleviate your symptoms. But the drugs were also poisonous and had side-effects. Now you were in trouble because you were producing 9 bags of garbage a week – and there was only space for 8 in the trash.
You might have been able to handle the extra waste you were producing, but then you stopped taking exercise because you felt too tired. So, the garbage truck was only coming every 8 days instead of every 7. Then, you stopped taking walks in the park and going on camping trips because you couldn’t be bothered driving out the city, so the garbage truck was only coming every 9 days instead of every 7. Then you stopped drinking enough water because it bothered you getting up to pee all the time, so the garbage truck was only coming every 10 days instead of every 7. You were eating a lot of dry, processed food instead of high fiber, high water-content fruits and vegetables, so now your bowels did not move very often – now the garbage truck was only coming every 11 days. Gradually your detoxification organs and filtration systems – the intestines, liver, kidneys, skin, blood circulation and lymphatic flow – became impaired themselves because they were also full of backed-up metabolic waste. Eventually the garbage truck was only coming once every two weeks!
My teacher, Gary Tunsky (1960-2019), put it like this: “You have a kitchen with a sink full of dirty dishes, breadcrumbs on the floor and honey on your countertops. A bunch of cockroaches and ants come crawling around for lunch. The standard Medical Doctor’s perspective is that it’s the cockroaches and ants that are the problem. He will spray them with some pesticides figuring that if he kills them off the problem is solved. Then, thinking he has fixed the condition, he will leave the room. When he is called back a couple months later, he will wonder why there are twice as many creatures crawling around and suggest some more potent toxic chemicals to make sure he really gets them this time. The problem is, he has still left the dishes in the sink…”
In other words, the mainstream perspective is you get sick because you are infected by a bug – but what if you were infected by a bug because you were already sick? Your body’s sick tissues invited in opportunistic microbes to feast on the delicious cuisine of excess metabolic waste stored up in your tissues. You made your body a hospitable place for germs to settle in and breed by what you put in it – and what you neglected to: water, oxygen, sunlight, exercise, and so on. When the bacterial and fungal forms colonize your body to feed off all that excess cell-poop, they start eating and pooping too! This escalates your condition, making you vulnerable to infection and eventually chronic disease. This perspective makes sense of why some people catch a bug from a sick relative and others don’t, and why illnesses cascade into secondary and tertiary infections with more and more severe symptoms. Your body has essentially started the process of decomposition already before you’ve even died! But, as far as the disease goes – the germs were not the initial cause of it! Rather, they are there because of it.